Her bouquet had these gorgeous purple flowers that smelled so good!! The flowers were by Blossom's.
I love this shot of Jessica. She was such a beautiful bride!
Everything was purple and blue.
Detail of the back of the girls' dresses.
The whole room was done up so well!! There were all these lights, candles and fabric. The ceiling swagging and sweetheart table backdrop were both done by Wedding Specialties and the linens were done by BBJ Linens.
They went to a winery and had their own custom blend of wine made then used one of their engagement photos for the bottles. They made such great favors, I LOVED this idea!!
The cake with the lights in the background.
More sparkle from the lights.
Did I mention how good the lights made the room look (and their photos).
We had the best light of the day to do some relaxed portraits.
Such a great image, I love the passion.
They even got the perfect sunset.
And a slide show. The music is "Have you ever been in love" by Kimberly Locke.
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